you recognize any of the pictures on the left? It's OK if you don't. That's
me. My name is Christine (
is my Chinese name). I was born and grew up in Beijing, China. I came
to America in 1997.
I was in China, I had been to these cities: Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian,
Lushun, Anshan, Datong, Huhhot, Jinan, Nanjing, Wuhu, Shenzhen, Guangzhou
and Hong Kong. Most of the places I went with my college friends. It was
so much fun traveling by train. In 1997, I visited Denmark and Sweden
alone. If you're interested in my travel stories, you can find them on
my Stories page.
Talk is a column in The Brookfield Citizen, a monthly community
paper of the Town of Brookfield in Massachussets. My friend Dan Heller
started the column a few years ago. He had asked me to write for him for
a few months during 1999 and 2000. I was glad that I had the opportunity
to write about China. People seemed to be very interested in my articles.
this web site
This web site that you're looking at is the third personal web site
of mine. "Why do you want to have a personal web site?" I've
been asked the same question so many times. The answer is very simple:
I like to improve my web design skills and I enjoy working with design
programs like Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Throughout this site, I have
used image swap, cascading style sheets, Javascripts,
inserting tabulor data and etc.. You will find more features such
as disjointed rollover and Flash movies on my new web site that is currenly
being built.
cool sites I recommend
Moments by Doug Menuez
Dream by Matthew Lewis
Big Healeys by Roger Los
Urban Diary
by Joseph Squier
Dial It by Peter Horvath
Intro Page by Josh Feldman
Fine Magazine by Gene Na, Peter
Kang, Kioken Design
The Fray by Derek M. Powazek
Mungo Park
Disappearing Inc's Font Arsenal
by Red #40
Of course, don't forget to check out HighFive.com.
here for my resume